Dakwah Para Ning di Media Sosial; Rujukan Perempuan Belajar Agama Era Derasnya Konten Radikalisasi
ning, da'wah, social media, moderate content, radical.Abstract
According to the Wahid Foundation's National Survey Report on socio-religious trends among Indonesian Muslim women, religious lectures obtained from social media are one of the significant contributions in shaping the religious views of Muslim women. So this paper examines the preaching of para ning as a religious reference on social media, with a focus on research on the preaching of Ning Imaz, Ning Sheila and Ning Umi Laila. This study uses a qualitative method with a case study approach. Primary and secondary data were obtained through documentation in the form of profiles, preaching content, and analysis of articles and content on social media. The result is that the da'wah carried out by Ning becomes a reference for netizens, especially women, and is able to color social media with moderate Islamic content. This research also found: 1) since para ning are active in preaching on social media, female netizens get consultations related to femininity online, 2) competent figures in the field of religious knowledge are very urgent to use social media as a means of preaching, 3) early ning being in a closed room at the pesantren becomes open to actively convey da'wah in the digital space