Manajemen Dakwah Di Pesantren (Studi Penggerakan atau Pelaksanaan pada Program Akselerasi Kitab di Pondok Pesantren Mazro’atul Lughoh Pare Kediri)
Da’wah Management, Actuating, Book Acceleration ProgramAbstract
Islamic boarding schools are religious-based educational institutions that have existed for a long time in Indonesia. One of the Islamic boarding schools that is growing and developing is the Mazro’atul Lughoh Islamic boarding school in the English village of Pare, Kediri. This article examines the existence of Islamic boarding school management regarding one of its programs, namely book acceleration, seen from the actuating side. The method used is descriptive qualitative research through data collection by interviews, observation and documentation. The data analysis techniques used are data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions.
The results of the research show that the da'wah management in the book acceleration program in terms of mobilization, which is known from the mobilization steps, is providing motivation and guidance, communication, development and improvement of human resources or students' talents. Providing motivation is applied by providing examples through stories from friends and scholars when studying, conducting study abroad, muhadhoroh and watching films. Meanwhile, guidance or direction is carried out, one of which is by providing microteaching. In terms of communication, using polite language, teachers know and do technical things during the learning process. In developing and improving the talents of students in the book acceleration program, Islamic boarding schools hold muhadhoroh to hone their Arabic language skills orally and carry out book reading demonstrations.